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Photos - 2012

Halloween Raft-up

Mill Creek, Annapolis
October 27

The weather was surprisingly mild but there was the trick of Sandy the next day, so we stayed at the marina for the party. Still, 10 crews showed for the treats:

The prize winners were:
- Walt and Sue for Best Costume
- Debbie for Best Appetizer
- Marilyn for Best Jack O'lantern

Thanks and a tip o' the hat to photogs Kathy, Jennifer and Debbie for the pictures.

Jon, Martha, Marilyn, Kathy and Sheila's sister

Dave, Debbie, Jon, Sue and Marie


Mike D., Marilyn and Mike V.

Pete, Wayne, Walt and Jason

Walt, Jason, Joan, Mike D., Jon, Martha and Marilyn


Jon rigs Jack with his lightning protector

Debbie, Sue and Marie

Martha, Jeanne, Pete, Gerry and Dan

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