May 27-29
Memorial Day Weekend Cruise
Fairlee Creek and Purdy Point
September 2-4
Labor Day Weekend Cruise
San Domingo and Plaindealing Creeks
The theme for the raft-up was to write a limerick. A list of the entries follows:
The raft-up at Leadenham Creek
Will take place in June's second week
Its theme's not a trick
Just bring a limerick.
We'll not laugh if some seem oblique.
(Martha Bliss)
There once was a boat named Brunelle
She came with the anchor from hell
It won't hold in guck
If you have a big hook
You should call Martha Bliss on her cell.
(Gerry Helldorfer)
As you enter the creek after sailing
Use 72 for your hailing
Brunelle will be there
Or Ragtime with Ger
The one with the anchor prevailing.
(Mike Davis)
Want a group that suits to a tee
And they're all good looking as me
Then cast off your line
Bring bottles of wine
And sail with the CCYC
(Gerry Helldorfer)
It's not a pet called Chia
It's faster than a Karman Ghia
The captain's our bud
He must be a stud
With a boat and a crew named Lucia.
(Gerry Helldorfer)
I'm closing in fast as a jock
But the sheet is jammed in a block
It looks like a crash
And what will I smash
Hickory dickory dock
(Gerry Helldorfer)
When the wind's blowing down the Bay
You know I'll be heading that way
I'm too tired to tack
I'll just motor on back
I'm a gentleman, what can I say
(Gerry Helldorfer)
We joined the CCYC Saturday
Rafted up in a creek off the Bay
We were eating and drinking
And laughing and dinking
Til Sunday when we all sailed away
(Mike Vaccaro)
There once was a sailor named Jon,
He sailed with his green boat shoes on,
But when they got wet,
He started to fret,
For fear that their beauty was gone.
(Marilyn and Jon Van Tassell)
We once had a fair wind to Fairlee,
We went there in search of a party,
When we made the turn 'round,
We soon went aground,
And put on a show for the Gall'ry.
(Marilyn and Jon Van Tassell)
We left Purdy Point in the morning,
The fog rolled in quick without warning,
We sailed on ahead,
But the radar was dead,
So the trip home became quite disarming.
(Marilyn and Jon Van Tassell)
All week I've been working on rhyme,
And meter and cadence and time
I revise and I tweak
For the right words I seek
The results are far from sublime.
(Pete and Kathy Bruzik)
Our sailing friends all have the same
Philosophy - life is a game
You work hard to play,
"Carpe Diem" each day,
No worries of fortune or fame.
(Pete and Kathy Bruzik)
We all love to sail on the Chesapeake.
Our vessaLs-are comfy-and oh so sleek.
We come to each raft-up,
And tie every craft up,
To nosh and to slosh up this quiet creek.
(Pete and Kathy Bruzik)
There's a Catalina Club on the Bay,
That wanders and sails its summers away.
From Solomons to Harve-de-Grace,
They like to cruise more than to race,
And they all know the meaning of Bobstay.
(Al and Vicky Lohman)
There's a Catalina Club on the Bay,
That wanders and sails its summers away.
From Solomons to Harve-de-Grace,
They love to slow down the pace,
But miss Happy Hour, absolutely No Way!
(Al and Vicky Lohman)
Our Club is not dense;
We've plenty of common sense.
And though Gerry thought he could,
Say that he looked good,
We know that's poetic license.
(Al and Vicky Lohman)
If the weather was forecast no rain
Joan would break out the jib and the main
It's sunny, so since then
She came and brought Winston
And it's nice that she thought to bring Wayne
(Mike Davis)
I ask that you take hold of your seat
It's time that you visit or meet
Without further ado
From the boat Pekabu
It's Kathy and Commodore Pete
(Mike Davis)
Happy hour lasts the moment, said Jon
That the food and the booze are all gone
Then be it Resolved
It's not that involved
Let it continue from dusk until dawn
(Mike Davis)
There once was a sailor named Ger
His boat could be found anywhere
But now all his time
Is spent on a rhyme
And Jeanne is not sure he's all there
(Mike Davis)
Trim sails are the goal of the master
But Lucia says if you ask her
You don't need a lawyer
To crank and to haul yer
Sails up and sheets in to go faster
(Mike Davis)
It's late and we must be adjourning
But crew on Brunelle, here's this warning
That since there's no Dan
There must be a plan
To take Maggie ashore in the morning
(Mike Davis)
If you want to be judged as a salt
You're not young and you sail without fault
But if age makes it true
Then according to Sue
That's not her, give the label to Walt
(Mike Davis)
When Columbus sailed with the Nina
He took his onboard pet named Alena
So out on the blue
He's like me and you
He sails with his favorite Catalina
(Mike Davis)
Help, I can't stop writing this crap
I bet I'll get a bum rap
The words are a mess
I'm no good I confess
And the last line doesn't rhyme
(Gerry Helldorfer)
We don't take Ayewash out for 2 weeks
and the ducks move in!
It's too windy to raft up, so Ragtime, Rhiannon and Brunelle set anchor.
Pekabu and Frisky Business
Jubilee entering the anchorage
Lucia anchoring
Happy Hour aboard Brunelle
Jeanne and Cathy chat
Still lovebirds
Martha setting the ambiance light
Ooooh! Aaaah!
Moonrise over Lucia
Coffee aboard Rhiannon Sunday morning
Martha's gift made by her son