Rich and Claire Miller won the Grand prize at the 2004 Catalina Rendezvous in Baltimore. The prize is a week's stay at Frank Butler's condo in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Rich and Claire graciously offered to let other members in the club join them and after a drawing, Gerry and Jeanne Helldorfer, Don and Mary Ann McBride, and Mike and Bev Davis went along for the fun.
Entrance to the villa
View of the villas
View from the balcony
Don and Gerry by the pool
The group gathers on the balcony
Master bedroom
Guest bedroom
Claire, Mike and Gerry in the living room
Jeanne, Mary Ann, Gerry and Don in the living room
Gerry, Rich, Jeanne, Don and Mary Ann in the living room
Mary Ann, Jeanne, Don and Gerry in the living room
Gerry, Don and Mary Ann on the veranda
View from the living room
Looking west across the pool
View across the bay toward Puerta Vallarta
Nice sunset
No Catalinas anchored out there
Looks nice
Driveway to the villa
"Iggy" guards the driveway
Monday night at Mark's Restaurant, but no reservation
We ended up at the Sheraton
Tuesday in Bucerias, a village between the villa and PV
Linda's on the beach
We make it into Mark's on Tuesday night
Claire and Rich enjoy the serenade
Wednesday lunch at Tony's before snorkling
Getting ready to board the boat to take us snorkling
Gerry's ready to go
Claire adjusts her gear
Bev checks it out
Pretty fish everywhere
The group heads for the tunnel
Tunnel to the center of the island
It's pretty rocky
Nice beach
Wednesday night on the catamaran heading for dinner
Don, Jeanne and Gerry head to our table after the show
Followed by Rich, Claire and Bev
Watch that first step back
Departing for whale watching tour on Thursday
We find the whales
Returning to the pier
Thursday dinner at Sandrina's
Jeanne and Bev's turn to be serenaded
Bev talks to the bird
Claire explains it
Friday, Claire (with dolphin) and Bev swim with the dolphins
Claire and Bev
Up close
The dolphins and their Groupies
Friday, Mary Ann went riding
Hi, Chihuahua!
Mary Ann and Don after the ride
Friday dinner at Daiquiri Dick's at the beach
Claire and Rich are serenaded
Checking the shops after dinner
Gerry and Rich hit the peso ATM
Saturday dinner at Mayapan in Paradise Village
The sun sets on our adventure