February, 1990
- Chesapeake Catalina Yacht Club
- The purpose of the Chesapeake Catalina Yacht Club shall be the enhancement of knowledge, understanding and seamanship in the acquisition, care, maintenance, and modification of Catalina sloops and other vessels through social programs which are designed to promote the enjoyment of sailing, cruising, and the pride of ownership.
Membership Eligibility
- A Regular Member has privileges of holding office and voting. He/she may command a Catalina sloop, or another suitably approved vessel, in club-sanctioned events, in accordance with the bylaws. He/she must be an owner, part owner, previous owner, or previous member of a Catalina fleet, and a corinthian.
- Officers, their responsibilities, and method of election shall be indicated in the bylaws.
- Committees, their responsibilities, and method of selection shall be as indicated in the bylaws.
- Dues shall be assessed as indicated in the bylaws.
- Changes to the Constitution and/or Bylaws of the Chesapeake Catalina Yacht Club shall be by a vote of at least 2/3 (two-thirds) of a quorum of the membership present at a regular or special meeting.
February, 1990
Club Business and Meetings
- The activity of the Chesapeake Catalina Yacht Club shall be conducted on a yearly basis commencing from January 1 through December 31.
- The election of Club officers shall be conducted at the Club's Annual Meeting, which shall be held in November of each year.
- Club dues shall be adequate to conduct the routine business of the club. Dues will be recommended by the Board of Directors and approved by a majority of the membership in attendance at a regular or special meeting.
- A new member who joins the Club after July 1 will be assessed dues at the 2/3 yearly rate. A new member who joins the Club after October 1 will be assessed dues at the full yearly rate, which will include the following year.
- Dues are assessed per vessel, and entitle two (2) people to be members. Club dues must be paid for a member to be in good standing.
- When a vessel is owned by more than one person, dues shall be paid at the established rate for one vessel, and not by each owner. Only one newsletter shall be provided per vessel.
- Dues are payable at the beginning of the Club year, (January 1) and are collected by the Club Treasurer.
- Special assessments may be made by vote of a majority of the regular members present at any regular Club meeting, and shall be for the duration of the Club year.
- Under no circumstances shall funds from a new membership year be used to fund expenditures for a past membership year.
Eligible Vessels
- A vessel is eligible to participate in Club functions and considered to be in the Chesapeake Catalina Yacht Club only if it has been properly registered (i.e., registered in the state of residence and/or documented) and is owned by a member in good standing.
Club Officers
- The officers of the Club shall be the Commodore, the Vice Commodore, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. These officers, elected by the active members, and the immediate past Commodore, or in the event he/she cannot serve, the past Commodore whose term of office most closely preceded that of the past Commodore, shall constitute the Board Of Directors. Term of office shall run from 1 January to 31 December.
- The duties of the Club officers are:
- Commodore
- fix the dates of the meetings of the Board Of Directors and of the Club's special meetings
- preside at all Club meetings
- approve annual reports and official actions of other officers
- appoint special committees
- rule on procedure and jurisdiction
- authorize Club expenditures
- perform other functions as may be warranted for the proper management of the Club
- Vice Commodore
- be responsible for special functions and planning shore program sessions during the late fall and winter months
- serve as a liaison with other yachting organizations in cooperative efforts between the CCYC and these organizations
- In the absence of the Commodore, act on his/her behalf at all Club functions
- Secretary
- maintain the Club minutes, records, and registration of members and boats
- distribute ballots and notices of regular, special and board meetings
- Treasurer
- receive dues and fees and deposit funds in the depository approved by the Board Of Directors
- prepare annual financial statement and budget
- conduct the financial affairs of the Club
- be responsible for paying all expenses of the Club
All books and records may be inspected by any member for any proper purpose at any reasonable time upon reasonable notice.
- The Board Of Directors shall operate as a standing committee to interpret the Constitution and Bylaws, conduct all business, determine policy of the Club, serve as the last court of appeals in disputes over constitutional rights, sanction or ban Club activities, and suspend members guilty of gross violation of the rules or of unsportsmanlike conduct for a period not exceeding its term of office. Only the Board Of Directors may obligate the Club financially. Club activities may be funded only from current year dues, or from previous years accumulated reserves upon approval by the majority of the membership at a regularly scheduled meeting. Under no circumstances shall funds from a current membership year be used to fund expenditures for a prior membership year. In the event that the Treasurer determines that the Clubs current year expenditures exceed the current year reserves, the Board Of Directors shall initiate a special meeting of the board to determine whether a special assessment should be recommended to the general membership.
- The Nominating Committee shall prepare and submit to the membership at the annual meeting a slate of officers for the ensuing year. Nominations may also be received from the floor at the annual meeting. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Commodore.
- The Cruising Committee shall consist of the Cruising Director and the Board Of Directors. The Cruising Director shall recommend a cruising schedule to the Board Of Directors who will tentatively approve the schedule. The cruising schedule will be presented to the membership for discussion and approval at the annual Flag Raising Brunch held each April. The Commodore shall appoint the Cruising Director.
- Other Special Committees may be appointed by the Commodore as needed.
Cruises, Meetings, and Special Functions
- An Annual Meeting shall be held each cruising year in November.
- Other Meetings of the general membership may be called as necessary by the Commodore. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called by the Commodore as necessary.
- Notices must be sent to all members of the Club at least ten days prior to any general or special membership meeting where proposed changes in the Constitution, Bylaws, or when obligation of future year dues are contemplated. All changes in the Constitution or Bylaws must be described in the notice of the meeting. This task shall be handled by the Club Secretary.
- Cruises shall be scheduled from April to October.
- Regular Meetings (shore program sessions) shall be scheduled during the late fall and winter months. These meetings are meant to develop camaraderie among the members, and to promote excellence in seamanship and a better technical understanding of the Chesapeake Bay, boating safety, the Catalina sloop and other sailing and motor vessels.
- Special Functions may be held at the discretion of the Board of Directors and may include the Spring Flag-Raising Brunch to be held in April, and the Christmas Party to be held in December.
- The officers of the Board of Directors shall be elected at the November annual meeting. The nominee for each office with the greatest number of votes of the members in good standing present at the meeting shall be elected. No nominations are to be presented without consent of the nominee.
- Board Of Directors:a majority of the Directors shall constitute a quorum and a majority of those present at a meeting shall be required to carry.
- General Membership:Twenty-five percent (25%) of the regular membership shall constitute a quorum. A majority of votes of the regular membership present either by proxy or in person shall be required to carry, except as noted elsewhere in the Bylaws. Members whose dues are in arrears or who are otherwise not in good standing shall not be entitled to vote. There shall be two votes allowed for each vessel. In case of a tie vote, the Commodore shall cast the deciding vote. Proxy votes are allowed.
- Any officers or member may be suspended or expelled by a three-fourths vote of a quorum of the membership for conduct or action deemed prejudicial or injurious to the Club.
- The Board of Directors may suspend members guilty of gross violation of the rules or of unsportsmanlike conduct for a period not exceeding its term of office.
- The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by vote of two-thirds of a quorum of the regular members in good standing present at any regular or special meeting.
- The Board of Directors may pass new Bylaws not in conflict with the Constitution or original Bylaws. The Board of Directors shall have the power to simplify, clarify, or correct the language of any Article if the intent or purpose remains unchanged.
- These Constitution and Bylaws shall be the governing rules of the Chesapeake Catalina Yacht Club.
Standard Operating Procedure
October, 1998
- The annual dues for the Club shall be $35.00 per year.
- Regular meetings are usually scheduled for the months of October, November, January, and February.
- Special Functions include the Spring Flag-Raising Brunch that is held in March, and the Christmas Party that is held in December.